Monday, February 23, 2009

Um, yeah so in other news....

SOOO this is Scott. If y'know...anyone remembers me. But if you don't that's okay because I probably don't give a shit about you. I kinda just found out about this blog thing. I wasn't gonna actually post anything but I was just sitting here and thought 'Hey, what the hell? I suppose I will.'
Since I don't really want to talk about anything, I guess I'll just say that those last few posts had me cracking up. Honestly, they did! I suppose there isn't any better humor than all you little shitheads posting on blog.

Yeah so...Oh yeah Tess said it was someone's birthday today. I don't really remember who BUT I suppose I nice and say 'Happy Birthday' to whoever the hell that might be. I guess that's it...Oh, watch Fringe. I'll have to regrettably agree with Anthony and admit that that show is so damn sexy. Maybe I wouldn't REALLY word it like that, but let's all face it, Anthony lingo is addicting. Once you get used to it.

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