Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh my

Hello! Oh this is Afton by the way, I'm having my Thimba type for me. Tess told me about a blog and I wanted to say something. If I typed myself it would look like-here Thimba's gonna let me type for a second.
iq wlkd ladk sdmrtfivs lngk tl=isl
Okay Thimba's gonna type again. Well I don't really know what I just typed. I did try to say something but it's probably gibberish. I'm trying to learn how to type, but it'll probably take...a long time. <3
Anyway, I don't really know what to say. What are you supposed to say on a blog? Oh well at least I contributed something for today~
Oh wait, I want to say hello to all my friends! You know who you are! (that includes you Gloomy~!)


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