Monday, February 2, 2009

Second Post. HA I win.

Does anyone know if the groundhog saw its shadow?

But on more serious terms (and I assure you I can be serious) what a game last night huh? I'm not much of a football fan myself (I've only ever favored America's favorite pastime) but that Super Bowl suuuure got intense. I think I might have even shouted a bit in some odd fandom with that last touchdown that the Cardinals made. Of course it couldn't possibly end happily for me, or the real Cardinals fans out there. Maybe I jinxed it by rooting for them?

BUT that's allll in the past! Moving on to what matters (because let's face it, I have more interesting topics to discuss). Y'know I find it a little harder to sit down and watch TV at this place. I don't watch a lot of TV to being with, really....honestly....Maybe a few shows a week? If I get the chance, which I don't usually over here. At Tess's it's a lot simpler, perhaps I share more of the same interests in my entertainment with everyone there. But, of course I would! Now let's say tomorrow I want to sit down and watch Fringe. I managed to watch it last week, although I don't recall if anyone watched it with me. Maybe that guy's mutt did. Anyway, that show is pretty good! It's new, and for god sakes the last episode was about liquefying brains! You can't get any sexier than that show! (Although maybe the acting could be a little better) Let's hope I'm able to watch it tomorrow.

Hmmm, well I suppose that's it. Unless you want to hear about my day so far. Well, it's been terrible! Nothing good to eat! This place could use a nice batch of Swedish fish, if I have anything to say about it!



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