Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dizzy Dizzy morning @_@

Hi hi~ Mickey here ^_^ I'm sicky wicky! I dunno wat I have but every time I try ta stand I feel like I'm gonna fall down! Oh well~ I have Elli next to me to keep me company, right Elli? ...Well she won't type ehehe she's sickies too.

Anyways I'm glad to be a part of this website stuff. I feel like a famous person! Oo! Also, did you take a picture of dat birdy Ebony? It's super pretty! I wish I knew how to add pictures...I'll have Elli teach me when we feel bettah. Until then, I'm on the webs~ yay!

<3 <3 <3

P.S. stop fighting u guys! Nobody likes a sourpuss right? =(

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