Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A blog huh...

Well if we're going to start a blog I guess I may as well join in. Not a whole lot of other stuff going on around here, anyway I may as well share my misery with random people online. The weather was awful today and I refused to go to school because, hey I'm half-demon isn't that a good enough excuse? It almost worked too until around 11 when Eliana apparently realized she'd forgotten me. "You don't talk much at school so I guess I just didn't notice" she said with that stupid look on her face. God I hate her...Anyway, school was boring but at least we didn't have to work too hard.

Ah enough about my day, I heard that Tess was sick (among like everyone else at school) so I just wanted to say: frickin' lucky whore. Seriously, let's switch places right. Now. In fact, maybe I'll just go over there so you can cough on me...cause that's not weird or anything. Yeah, uh, so hi Afton and Kenji I think your the one who needs to shut up.

Not that I'm on Anthony's side either.


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