Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First post of the year?

First post of 2011 and it's already February vacation.
Care to contribute? >:C
Let's see participation, guys!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let it Snow!

I wish it would snow down here. I miss it a lot. (Though you'd probably think I'd actually be sick of it but no)
And it's SUPPOSED to be nice and fluffy and white for Christmas! Now it's just dreary and cold. Snow makes it more durable.
So anyway, presents. Yeah, you know it's basically impossible for me to give EVERYONE something since there's, like, what? A bajillion of us? Psh, don't expect anything from me.
(But...if you're feeling so inclined to get ME a present...well, I like bubble gum. I would like LOTS and LOTS of bubble gum...And maybe some new shoes? Mine are p~r~e~t~t~y tattered.)
Just...putting that out there...Not that I really WANT stuff. Just sayin'. So ta ta for now, and beware the mistletoe, guys!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This Still Exists?

This is Kenji...I had hoped Eliana would've forgotten about this thing. Well, anyway I would just like to say hi to Helena. I know I can't be there for you 24/7 so maybe we could use this "blog" to our advantage. Just an idea.

God I'm tired, I tell you high school up here on Earth has got to be the dullest thing ever. When the hell am I going to need to use a "Systematic sample?" With that in mind, I'd like to use this blog to also insult Eliana some more. Eliana, you look really stupid when you sleep and your room is a mess. Please go get a life.


Happy Holidays?

So Tess reminded me about this blog thing. I thought I'd be the one to bravely post on it after a year and a half. Heh.
Not much to really say. (Well I guess I could summarize a lot of stuff that's happened since, but I don't think that's necessary)
But Christmas is in the air and I'm sure we can get this thing going again if we talk about all our holiday celebrations! Right? Okay. Let's go team! :)


Sunday, April 19, 2009





Monday, February 23, 2009

Um, yeah so in other news....

SOOO this is Scott. If y'know...anyone remembers me. But if you don't that's okay because I probably don't give a shit about you. I kinda just found out about this blog thing. I wasn't gonna actually post anything but I was just sitting here and thought 'Hey, what the hell? I suppose I will.'
Since I don't really want to talk about anything, I guess I'll just say that those last few posts had me cracking up. Honestly, they did! I suppose there isn't any better humor than all you little shitheads posting on this...um blog.

Yeah so...Oh yeah Tess said it was someone's birthday today. I don't really remember who BUT I suppose I could...be nice and say 'Happy Birthday' to whoever the hell that might be. Hmmm...so I guess that's it...Oh, watch Fringe. I'll have to regrettably agree with Anthony and admit that that show is so damn sexy. Maybe I wouldn't REALLY word it like that, but let's all face it, Anthony lingo is addicting. Once you get used to it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Come on...seriously?

"Dangerous Rapist" here. Ha ha very funny Edelweiss. However, you forgot something. YOU'RE the only one who calls me Bartholomew, dumbass! Also, an egg beater...even I think that's disturbing.

Anyway, if anyone thought either of those posts were sincere you're clearly mentally challenged so I'll let it slide.