Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let it Snow!

I wish it would snow down here. I miss it a lot. (Though you'd probably think I'd actually be sick of it but no)
And it's SUPPOSED to be nice and fluffy and white for Christmas! Now it's just dreary and cold. Snow makes it more durable.
So anyway, presents. Yeah, you know it's basically impossible for me to give EVERYONE something since there's, like, what? A bajillion of us? Psh, don't expect anything from me.
(But...if you're feeling so inclined to get ME a present...well, I like bubble gum. I would like LOTS and LOTS of bubble gum...And maybe some new shoes? Mine are p~r~e~t~t~y tattered.)
Just...putting that out there...Not that I really WANT stuff. Just sayin'. So ta ta for now, and beware the mistletoe, guys!


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